Friday, April 13, 2012

Lets get CROSS-FIT!

For the past 4 weeks; Monday, Wednesday & Friday I have rushed around every morning like a bat outta hell! "Carmelo brush your teeth!" "Mila get outta there!" "Isaac can you PLEASE get up!" All to get to Crossfit Oakland by 7:00am for my On-Ramp Classes.

For those of you who aren't familiar with crossfit here is the definition:

"CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program built on constantly varied, if not randomized, functional movements executed at high intensity." - Coach Greg Glassman

Which in my terms is... a whole lotta shit I have NEVER done before... until recently.

There are a few people I know that swear by it and I have seen their bodies COMPLETELY TRANSFORM! And after the birth of my second beautiful baby, I am in need of a transformation. I managed to get to a weight that is acceptable, to me. 140, just 3 pounds more than what I weighed before having Mila. I was doing Bikram Yoga 3-4 times a week plus running about 2 miles everyday plus going to the gym, but I am SO STUCK! I mean, I am not trying to be the thin girl. That's not me. I have curves! Thick legs and an ass which I am not complaining about. Don't get me wrong, I love them. But why is everything so flabby? I needed something more to really change my body. Get toned and tight; Be Strong; Find my muscles again; Be able to carry around my soon-to-be 20lb baby around Disneyland all day without breaking a sweat!

So for the last 4 weeks I have been running around like a mad woman trying to make it to On-Ramp training which taught mostly technique for moves like the DEADLIFT, SNATCH and JERK, all of which I have never heard of, let alone tried. But I managed to get up everyday and take in as much as possible because I know that this is what I need to get me where I want to be.

4 weeks ago, on my very first day of On-Ramp we completed this WOD:

For Time:
Run 200m
15-12-9 reps of each:
Dumbbell Thrusts
Run 200m

I finished in 11:36. I was a little embarrassed. Here I was thinking I was in decent shape and I could not do consecutive thrusts (squats) or push-ups. Boy, was I in for it! Today we completed the exact same WOD. My time was 7:09. That's just shy of a 4.5 minute improvement! I feel so amazing and empowered. Never did I see myself lifting weights but I am so desperate and convinced that I won't be having any more kids so it's now or never!

Sadly, I will not be able to continue going to Crossfit Oakland because the only time of day I can guarantee a work out is in the morning. And getting my kids up at 5:45 is not the business! I feel so bad waking them up at the butt crack of dawn just so I can get my workout in. BUT I was able to find another gym closer to my house which offers a 5:45am class which  I can attend, then go and get my kids ready and get my day going. Plus, it's a tad bit cheaper, and I'm the kind of girl that can't pass up a great deal!

So next week it's a new gym and an actual WOD (Workout of the Day). Here goes nothing or should I say Here goes EVERYTHING!

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.
~Greg Glassman

Thursday, April 12, 2012

It's Official!

I have to say, I am ultra excited about finally starting a blog like I have been planning forever! With 2 small kids, and a full time job, it's more than difficult to find time for myself, let alone something like this. But with that said, I am setting out on yet another journey just to better understand myself and my beliefs.

My beliefs... they change so much. Here's a little background info, after being overweight most of my life it took the birth of my son to realize life did NOT have to be the way it always was. It was like a fresh start for me. I was a mother, and....

At that time it was hard to finish that sentence. I was so confused. I wanted to loose weight, but how? I wanted to eat better, but did I have what it takes? These and many more questions lingered around until I finally figured out what was RIGHT FOR ME.

I am the type of girl that dives right in. And that is exactly what I did. I picked a book one day and it was that same day I became a vegan. About 70 lbs lighter and almost 3 years later I find myself giving in. It started with pregnancy of my daughter. I began giving in to my cravings, which of course is understandable, but she is now 8 months old and I am still giving in. Something's gotta change.

Having lost most of my "baby weight" (3lbs to go) I am still so out of shape. Flabby all over and not completely happy with what I see when I look in the mirror. Which is why I am completely diving in (again) and returning to my vegan ways with the addition of crossfit as my exercise routine.

I have never done any work out this intense and I am so excited to see how my body changes. Stay tuned to see if I can become the person I always wanted to be.